Friday, February 17, 2012

Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows Movie Theme and Wallpapers for Windows 7

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Sherlock Holmes [A Game of Shadows] Movie Theme for Windows 7 :

Sherlock Holmes Movie Theme for Windows 7
Sherlock Holmes Movie Theme

Wallpapers : 10

Size : 5.45 MB

Resolution : 1920x1200 px

Sherlock Holmes Movie PosterSherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.

Director: Guy Ritchie

Writers: Michele Mulroney, Kieran Mulroney

Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law and Jared Harris

Wallpapers :

Robert Downey jr. | Jude Law | Sherlock Holmes Wallpaper 1Robert Downey jr. | Sherlock Holmes Wallpaper 2

Sherlock Holmes Wallpaper 3Jude Law | Sherlock Holmes Wallpaper 4

Robert Downey jr. | Jude Law | Sherlock Holmes Wallpaper 5Sherlock Holmes Wallpaper 6

Sherlock Holmes Wallpaper 7Sherlock Holmes Wallpaper 8

Robert Downey jr. | Sherlock Holmes Wallpaper 9Jude Law | Sherlock Holmes Wallpaper 10

Resolution : 1920x1200 px

Download other Wallpaper Themes here
Download Visual Style Themes here

Note : Windows 7 themes can only be used in Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate editions.

Info Source : IMDB

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